Overall, the functionality of this ransomware variant is very similar to previous RansomExx Linux variants.
The ransomware expects to receive a list of directory paths to encrypt as input. If no arguments are passed to it, then it does not encrypt anything. The following command line format is required by the ransomware in order to execute correctly.
-do [ (optional)]
Upon execution, the ransomware iterates through the specified directories, enumerating and encrypting files. All files greater than or equal to 40 bytes are encrypted, with the exception of the ransom notes and any previously encrypted files.
Each encrypted file is given a new file extension. It is common for RansomExx ransomware file extensions to be based on a variation of the target company name, sometimes followed by the numbers such as ‘911’ or random characters.
A ransom note is dropped in each directory where file encryption occurs.
Files are encrypted using AES-256 and a randomly generated key. The AES key is itself encrypted using RSA and a hardcoded public key, and appended to the end of the encrypted file. As a result of this encryption method, the corresponding RSA private key, held by the attacker, would be required to decrypt the files.
Elements such as RSA key, file extension, and the ransomware note name and contents, are encrypted within the binary and decrypted by xoring the encrypted data with an equal-sized key.