Cymulate Breach and Attack Simulation Named a Gold Winner in 2024 Cybersecurity Excellence Awards

January 21, 2025

At Cymulate, our ultimate goal is to serve our customers, not win awards—but winning awards still feels pretty good! This week, we are pleased to announce that Cymulate was named a “Silver Stevie” winner at the 22nd annual American Business Awards. The win came in the category of “Most Innovative Tech Company of the Year” for businesses with up to 2,500 employees, making Cymulate one of the most notable drivers of innovation in the technology industry. This award serves as a welcome acknowledgement of Cymulate’s ongoing effort to deliver new and innovative solutions that meet the needs of our clients amid today’s ever-evolving threat landscape.  

Created in 2002, the American Business Awards (better known as the “Stevie® Awards”) are among the world’s most coveted business awards. The Stevie Awards are open to all organizations, public and private, operating in the U.S., making them the only “national, all-encompassing” business awards program in the country. They honor both for-profit and non-profit organizations, and even government agencies are free to enter. The wide range of potential entrants makes Cymulate’s win even more impressive—with such stiff competition, it takes a lot to stand out! We are pleased that the 200 professionals from across the globe who serve as Stevie Award judges found that Cymulate’s dedication to innovation rose above the crowd.  

The Most Innovative Tech Company of the Year award recognizes “overall achievement in product and/or marketing, sales, manufacturing, management, etc. innovation,” and is one of several categories designed to recognize innovation from organizations in a variety of industries. For Cymulate, that innovation focused on recent advancements in Breach and Attack Simulation (BAS) and Attack Surface Management (ASM).  

Cymulate’s BAS solution now allows organizations to more effectively evaluate the performance of their security solutions and identify how they stand up to real-world attack threats, making BAS an increasingly essential element of a well-rounded security program, and expansions to the Cymulate ASM solution helped close the gap between traditional vulnerability management and ASM. Cymulate ASM now provides capabilities like Active Directory Misconfiguration Scanning, Cloud Misconfiguration Scanning, Vulnerability Scanning, and Unified Attack Path Mapping and Analysis (UPAMA). This allows organizations to leverage additional data sources to generate critical insights, allowing them to more effectively prioritize the severity of any exposures. This has changed the way organizations approach security, enabling them to determine which exposures represent a real-world threat to their systems and which can be safely ignored.   

While it is an honor to be named one of America’s most innovative tech companies, our mission is far from over. Unfortunately, attackers are innovative, too—and it’s our job to stay one step ahead of them. At Cymulate, we’re never satisfied. We’re always looking for new ways to give our partners and customers a leg up against attackers, providing them with the critical information they need to keep their systems and networks as secure as possible. We appreciate the Stevie Awards for recognizing that fact—and we plan to make sure Cymulate is listed among next year’s winners, too!