
Ponemon Report – Does Your Security Assurance Program Meet Your Needs?

A survey of 1,000 IT professionals to understand the issues organizations have in their ability to detect and remediate threats.

The State of Breach and Attack Simulation and the Need for Continuous Security Validation: A Study of US and UK Organizations.

This report summarizes insights provided by over 1000 IT and IT security professionals on the testing and validation of security controls in this extremely dynamic environment. It seeks to understand the issues organizations have in their ability to detect and remediate threats through assessments and testing of security controls.

Download this report to learn what your peers are saying about:

  • Current security testing methods, and why they fall short
  • The impact of continuous change on their security posture
  • How a business-driven change in response to COVID-19 has made matters worse
  • What they see as the key benefits of continuous security validation
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