BotenaGo strikes again – malware source code uploaded to GitHub

January 27, 2022

The malware source code, containing a total of only 2,891 lines of code (including empty lines and comments), is simple yet efficient.
It includes everything needed for a malware attack, including but not limited to:

Reverse shell and telnet loader, which are used to create a backdoor to receive commands from its operator.

Automatic set up of the malware’s 33 exploits, giving the hacker a “ready state” to attack a vulnerable target and infect it with an appropriate payload based on target type or operating system
The malware initiates a total of 33 exploit functions targeting different routers and IoT devices by calling the function “scannerInitExploits”
The code contains additional configuration for a remote server, including available payloads and a path to folders that contains additional script files to execute on infected devices.

On top of all that, the main function calls together all of the necessary pieces: setting up a backdoor, loading additional payload scripts, initializing exploit functions, and waiting for commands.
It is simple and clean malware creation in just 2,891 lines of code.
