Ransomware Spotlight RansomEXX
It has both a Windows and Linux variant.
RansomEXX’s Linux version, discovered in late 2020, marked the first known time a major Windows ransomware variant expanded to Linux.
This move allows modern ransomware variants to target core infrastructure that are often running on Linux. Linked to the threat group Gold Dupont.
The threat group has been active since 2018.
They are a financially motivated cybercriminal group with a main arsenal that includes RansomEXX or Defray777, Cobalt Strike, Metasploit, and Vatet Loader. Uses trojanized legitimate tools.
RansomEXX campaigns, as typical of Gold Dupont attacks, involve malware like Vatet Loader, PyXie RAT, TrickBot, and post-intrusion tools like Cobalt Strike as part of their arsenal.
The use of trojanized legitimate tools is common among modern ransomware variants, allowing them to deploy payloads faster while avoiding detection. Hardcoded name of the target in its binary.
One of the key indicators of RansomEXX’s targeted nature is how it has its target’s name hardcoded in its binary.
It demonstrates how RansomEXX attacks involve a certain amount of preparation and are tailored to their chosen victim’s profile.
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