Full Kill Chain
Advanced Persistent

Validate the security architecture against APT attacks



Simulate full kill chain APT attack scenarios of known APT groups or create your own bespoke template-based scenarios.


Systematic weaknesses and security gaps across the full kill chain that expose your organization to APT attacks.


Security controls and processes to detect and mitigate APT attacks.


Validate the effectiveness of your security architecture, detections and response playbooks to full kill chain APT attacks 

  • Track security architecture effectiveness over time and prevent security drift 
  • Find, prioritize, and fix security gaps that are exploited by APT groups 
  • Benchmark your security performance against industry peers 
  • Safe to run in production 

Full Kill-Chain APT

Are you Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) Ready?

Cymulate makes it simple to validate your security framework and for you to continuously challenge, assess, and optimize the effectiveness of your IT controls in defending against real-world cyberattacks.

Testing Controls Across the Full Kill Chain:

Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attacks attempt to bypass security controls across the cyber kill chain, from attack delivery to exploitation and post-exploitation, defending against an APT requires testing the effectiveness of multiple security controls within your arsenal. Since the efficacy of one control affects the exposure of the next control in the kill chain, ascertaining if your defenses work against a full-blown attack becomes a daunting proposition.

Cymulate’s Full Kill Chain APT Simulation Module solves the challenge of security effectiveness testing across the entire cyber kill chain. Instead of challenging each attack vector separately, organizations can now run a simulation of a full-scale APT attack with a click of a button, and gain a convenient, single-pane view of security gaps across their security stack.
Organizations can select among eleven APT attack templates that mimic the modus operandi of real-world APT attacks launched by well-known APT groups, such as FIN8, Cobalt Group, APT38, Silent Librarian and others.
APT stages are launched sequentially, from a simulated attack on the email or web gateway, followed by endpoint security. The module challenges the organization’s network policies, trying to move laterally, launch ransomware and exfiltrate predefined sets of data (PII, medical records, payment details), testing DLP controls.
The outcome of each stage of the APT attack is shown, e.g. Success, Failure or Partial Success.

Events and alerts triggered by the APT attack through security controls integrations.

An exposure score that takes into account potential asset impact, infection success rate, and probability of encounter.

Detection and mitigation guidelines that map to the MITRE ATT&CK framework for additional context.
Quantifiable security posture benchmarks provider for an immediate, objective understanding of where you are most vulnerable. Key to prioritize remediation efforts and resources. Technical reports provide an actionable mitigation guidance. Executive reports point at security drift and industry benchmarking for comparison.

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Solution Brief

Full Kill Chain APT Simulation Module

Download the solution brief on the Full Kill Chain Advanced Persistent Threat Simulation module.
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APT Ready in Four Steps – Your Action Plan

Learn how you can establish an automated, continuous system to defend against sophisticated cyber attacks using Cymulate.
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Solution Brief

Cymulate Breach and Attack Simulation Made Simple

Cymulate challenges your security controls against the full attack kill chain with thousands of simulated cyber attacks, showing you exactly where you’re exposed and how to fix it.
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More Attack Vectors and Modules

Immediate Threats

Immediate threats

Validate your defenses against the latest cyber-attacks found in the wild, updated daily.

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Web App Firewall

Web App Firewall

Validate your defenses against web application attacks, including OWASP top ten.

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Web Gateway Icon

Web Gateway

Validate your defenses against malicious inbound and outbound web browsing and command and control.

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email gateway icon

Email Gateway

Validate your defenses against thousands of malicious email constructs, attachments, and links.

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Lateral Movement Icon

Lateral Movement

From an initial foothold propagate within the network to find critical assets.

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Data Exfiltration Icon

Data Exfiltration

Validate that sensitive and critical data cannot be exfiltrated from the organization.

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Phishing Awareness Icon

Phishing Awareness

Launch phishing campaigns to evaluate employee susceptibility.

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Attack Surface Management

Attack Surface Management

External attack surface analysis and intelligence gathering.

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Endpoint Security Icon

Endpoint Security

Validate detection and prevention of endpoint ATT&CK TTPs including ransomware, worms, and more.

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