Non-profit Increases Financial Efficiency and Strengthens Cybersecurity Defenses
Facing increasing threats and tighter budgets, Walsall Housing Group Limited (whg), a UK housing association, turned to Cymulate to optimize security with automated security validation.
Cymulate is the cyber safety blanket we all need. It provides tangible proof that your efforts are actually protecting your organization and contributing to improving your security posture.
– IT Security Manager
Balancing Tight Budgets and Growing Cyber Threats
With over 850 employees serving 40,000 customers and 20,000 homes, whg takes seriously its responsibility to protect its customers’ personal data. The goal was to improve its cybersecurity while managing its budget, so it began a Security and Stability Program. Within this program, the board tasked its one-person security team with evaluating its security controls and ensuring that they were the best fit for the organization at the best value.
The IT security engineer could not accomplish this with monthly vulnerability scans and annual penetration tests, so he searched for an alternative solution.
The Cymulate Solution
After evaluating multiple security validation tools and testing their ability to compare security control vendors in a simulated environment, whg decided that Cymulate best fit its needs. The IT engineer reflected, “We choseCymulate because it allows us to test the market, extensively validate our security controls and understand what an attacker sees when looking at our organization from the outside.” The proof of concept and onboarding process with Cymulate was seamless and easy, and whg was able to start benefiting from the platform almost immediately.
The IT engineer explained that he uses Cymulate for:
Evaluating and validating new security controls
“Since purchasing Cymulate, we’ve procured a new endpoint, email gateway and web gateway. Before buying these controls, we determined how effective they would be in our environment in real-world scenarios, and we did not have to take the vendor’s word for it. Cymulate has become an integral piece of our security toolkit. It also helps us validate that our security controls work how we expect them to.”
Making value-driven decisions
“When evaluating XDR vendors, Cymulate helped us understand that the less expensive option functioned better in our infrastructure than the go-to alternative. With Cymulate, we can ensure the best return from our investment across the entire business. We saved £80k on this one purchase, something especially appealing to a non-profit like us because any savings on cost overhead creates an opportunity to pass these savings on to our customers.”
Testing against emerging threats
“We are all familiar with that situation when your board sees a ‘famous’ attack in the news and asks you if the company is protected from it. With Cymulate, by the time the board even gets to us, we have already tested for the threat and can report any patches that were made or need to be prioritized.”
Managing and detecting drift
“After using Cymulate for about nine months, we know that our controls are configured properly, and today, we mostly detect and manage drift with the platform. If we are alerted to an increase in our Cymulate risk score, we prioritize according to the platform’s findings and remediate immediately. There have been a few situations where we needed to drop everything to remediate, and we wouldn’t have been aware of it without Cymulate.”
Managing its attack surface
“Cymulate Attack Surface Management helps us see our company from an attacker’s perspective, identifying where we are vulnerable and what needs to be done to prevent a vulnerability from being exploited.”
Enhanced security The security team no longer relies on annual penetration tests to validate its security because it can independently run ad hoc validation assessments. Additionally, the team can remediate and run the same assessment to determine whether its efforts were successful.
Increased efficiency Using Cymulate, the one-person security team can automate manual tasks and run more assessments.
Better visibility Cymulate extensively tests each of whg’s attack vectors to show whether its controls can protect it, a dimension of security validation that penetration tests and vulnerability scanners do not deliver.
Plans for the Future
Since purchasing Cymulate, the IT security engineer has been promoted to IT security manager and has two colleagues reporting to him: an IT security engineer and an IT security analyst.
whg is undergoing a digital journey to include AI in its applications, so it needs to ensure that its data remains secure and that its network architecture won’t leave it vulnerable to attack. To do so, the security team will use the Cymulate automated network penetration testing capability to assess against lateral movement and strengthen its defenses.