Data Sheet
Cymulate Attack Surface Management (ASM)
Discover Threat Exposures and Prioritize Remediation Cymulate Attack Surface Management (ASM) identifies assets exposed to unapproved access, exploits and other
Cymulate Continuous Automated Red Teaming (CART)
Validate Security Across the Full-Kill Chain Cymulate Continuous Automated Red Teaming (CART) provides the automation and scale for ongoing security
Cymulate Exposure Validation Platform
Validate Controls, Threats and Response If you are not validating, you are not protecting. Today’s threat environment demands that security
Cymulate Exposure Analytics
The Path to Exposure Management Today, cyber programs require separate tools to find vulnerabilities, assess attack surface exposures, gather threat
Cymulate Attack Surface Management (ASM)
Automate security validation with attack path mapping and repeatable advanced offensive testing.
Cymulate Breach and Attack Simulation (BAS)
Are Our Cyber Defenses Secure? Organizations invest significant time and money into their security defenses, but how do you know