Ex-Conti and FIN7 Actors Collaborate with New Domino Backdoor
Former members of ITG23 (aka the Trickbot/Conti syndicate) are likely behind recent campaigns using the Dave Loader to load Domino Backdoor and probably collaborated with current or former ITG14 developers to purchase or use the new malware family.
X-Force previously assessed that Dave is one of several loaders or crypters developed by members of the Trickbot/Conti group.
Although the group has fractured, many of its loaders/crypters - including Dave - have been maintained and continue to be used by factions composed of former Trickbot/Conti members, including Quantum, Royal, BlackBasta, and Zeon.
The Dave Loader has been used recently with several Cobalt Strike samples with the watermark "206546002," which X-Force and other security researchers - here and here - have associated with groups composed of former members of the Trickbot/Conti syndicate, including Quantum and Royal.
X-Force observed Dave-loaded Cobalt Strike samples using this watermark in suspected Royal attacks in fall 2022.
Dave Loader has also been used this year to load IcedID and Emotet, both of which serve as initial access vectors for ransomware attacks from former Trickbot/Conti-affiliated factions.
Recently observed Dave samples were discovered loading a new malware, which Analysts have named Domino Backdoor.
This new backdoor gathers basic system information, which it then sends to the C2, and in return receives an AES encrypted payload.
In most instances, the received payload was a second loader that was found to have code overlap with Domino Backdoor, and as such Analysts have dubbed it Domino Loader.
This loader contains an encrypted payload within its resources, which it decrypts using AES.
The decrypted payload is a .NET infostealer, which identifies itself as 'Nemesis Project.'
The Domino Backdoor is designed to contact a different C2 address for domain-joined systems, suggesting a more capable backdoor, such as Cobalt Strike, will be downloaded on higher value targets instead of