Attack-Based Vulnerability

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Regardless of the amount of effort and resources invested, organizations are unable to manage the growing amount of vulnerabilities in their environment. Companies have taken to prioritizing vulnerability patching based solely on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) score, but just because a vulnerability is discovered does not mean it can  be exploited. For example, a security team might decide to patch a vulnerability with a CVSS score of 10 when it unknowingly has compensating controls already in place that prevent its exploitation. 

By adding the Attack–Based Vulnerability Management (ABVM) dashboard to Cymulate’s security control validation process, organizations are instantly provided with additional context about their vulnerabilities. ABVM integrates with common vulnerability scanners to inform security teams about the effectiveness of compensating controls protecting vulnerable machines and assets. ABVM combines the results of Cymulate’s simulated attacks with data from the organization’s vulnerability scanner to enable teams to accurately prioritize vulnerability remediation, patching, or reconfiguration of compensating security controls. Additionally, with these findings, Cymulate correlates the criticality of vulnerabilities with the value of assets, allowing security teams to optimize patching prioritization and reduce the patching workload.

Improved Staff Workload Management
Optimize patching prioritization, reduce the patching workload, and maximize team productivity
Reduced Vulnerability Exposure Time
Prioritize and patch high-risk vulnerabilities immediately, drastically reducing the risk of their exposure
Minimized Costs
Incorporate compensating controls to minimize patching costs for low-risk vulnerabilities
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