Purple Teaming Enablement

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Threat prevention technologies are common to all types of industries and company sizes; and their efficacy can be validated with out-of-the-box security control validation assessments, requiring minimal customization. Organizational security policies, on the other hand are unique. They include data classification and handling, access controls, segmentation policies, and policies required for regulatory compliance. Every company’s security policy will be different and will require customized validation and assurance procedures.

Cymulate’s Purple Teaming provides organizations with an open attack framework to craft and automate red and purple team exercises that leverage and scale adversarial expertise. The module can be used by all types of teams: from SOC and blue teams with minimal adversarial skills, all the way to professional red teams and pen-testers. Purple Teaming enables these security professionals to create, store, modify, and execute both simple and sophisticated assessments using custom-built or out-of-the-box templates.

For All Security Team Members
Brings endless options and scale to everyone on the security team
Automated security visibility and optimization for environments and scenarios that are unique to different organizations
Increases Operational Efficiency
Automate assessments to monitor security drift and regression testing
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